Archive of posts from 2010
- Preferences on Configuration Mania which are not supported on Firefox 4.
- XMLSerializer().serializeToString() is a simple useful HTML2XML Converter.
Three JIT options on Firefox4 : jitprofiling, methodjit, and tracejit
- Diff of firefox4.0b7 default preference and firefox3.6
- aadecode - Decode encoded-as-aaencode JavaScript program. ['_']
- code reading : javascript code encoded as aaencode
How to create restart-less #Firefox4 extension *WITHOUT* Jetpack
- Google Maps API v3 で地下鉄路線図を表示する
- Google Maps API v3 で鉄道網のみを表示する
If all HTTP setting are removed from Configuration Mania...
Blogger's Stats is "Flash Free" but looks like Google Analytics
- Handling namespaceless XML file with SAX (2)
- Handling namespaceless XML file with SAX
- Study for #HTML5 version of "browser4two" (the original is #iPad app)
- Firefox supports Nested jar: Protocol!
- Mozilla Add-on validation system says HTTP setting is generally not allowed.
Study for adding a menuitem to Firefox4's "Firefox button" (#2)
- Unofficial CSS property zoom implemented on WebKit
- Diff of firefox4 default preference (grepref.js and so on)
- Tip: Calling window.atob() and btoa() from Jetpack-SDK
Study for adding a menuitem to Firefox4's "Firefox button"
- "U; " in UA-string and about:config pref "" are removed #firefox4
Hack Micropolis (a.k.a. SimCity) and get $2,147,483,647!
- (メモ)platex+dvipdfmxをfedora13で使う方法
- rpmbuild setting for multi core CPU (2)
- [Updated] rpmbuild setting for multi core CPU
- Lissajous curve in HTML5 cakejs
No XUL <expander> element is used on current mozilla.
Study for "Browser" panel issue and "Animate fade-in" #2
-moz-resize can be applied to any elements!?
- Study: multi-text vs single-text on XUL elements
- Study for "Browser" panel issue and "Animate fade-in"
HTML5 textarea placeholder attribute must not contains LF.
- nsIPref is deprecated and removed on Firefox 3.7
- Which is faster eval() or JSON.parse()
Comparison of Adobe Flash and Apple Gianduia and Google Web Toolkit
Running_in_board Generator (駅名標ジェネレータ)
OOPP Setting on Configuration Mania
- How to Launch "Application in Terminal" from (your) GTK Application
- URL shortener for intranet
Which do you like modal option dialog or instant apply?
Components.utils.reportError() is easy to use for debugging
[stats] Flash vs Java
- UPDATE: Status of Configuration Mania Trouble
- List of about:config preference names Configuration Mania can modify
UPDATE#2: Configuration Mania 1.12.2010032801: Hardware accelerated browsing settings for Fx3.7
- Tweet to myself
- inode# is different from NTFS FileRef#
- Pitfall of "Unicode in Mingw32"
- WebGL options on Configuration Mania
- IE6 died, but IE doesn't yet support addEventListener...
UAC shield icon incompatibility between Vista and 7
- mingw32での「undefined reference to `WinMain@16'」
「M+ と IPAフォントの合成フォント」のM+1M+IPAG circleを自作したい
- "View Page Source" in browser tabs without any addons
- fontforge script to merge and replace font glyphs
- 「RUN!! BEAR RUN!!」の仕掛け人は「DLE Inc.」
- Configuration Mania 1.11.2009021401
- Babelzilla doesn't support "install.rdf" localization.
- JavaScriptで動的サウンド生成をしてみた
- Pure JavaScript Sound Generator
- 日本の携帯・PHSメールのSPF(送信ドメイン認証)対応状況のメモ
- AMO warns use of "setTimeout()"
- Native base64 encoder/decoder
- Hello world