On Firefox 4, users can install and uninstall Jetpack extensions without a browser restart. The traditional extensions are needed for a browser restart.

Screenshot: DOM Inspector will be disabled after you restart Firefox.
Traditional extensions will be disabled after you restart Firefox.

Jetpack is not required

Jetpack itself does not provide the restart-less feature. Jetpack SDK is a rich development environment for Restart-less extensions (which are called by Bootstrapped extensions).

To make a bootstrapped extension, you need:

  1. add the em:bootstrap="true" in install.rdf; and
  2. add bootstrap.js

Hello world of bootstrapped extensions

Step1. Write install.rdf with em:bootstrap="true"

There is no difference from traditional extensions... Only one exception is to add em:bootstrap="true".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
  <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
     <em:type>2</em:type><!-- extension! -->

     <!-- Firefox -->

Step2. Write bootstrap.js

This file shall contains entry point functions : install(data,reason), startup(data,reason), shutdown(data,reason) and uninstall(data,reason).

function install(data, reason) {

function startup(data, reason) {
    var prompts = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
                  "Hello world.");

function shutdown(data, reason) {
    var prompts = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
                  "Good bye.");

function uninstall(data, reason) {

This extension says "Hello world." after it is installed and/or enabled, and "Good bye." after it is uninstalled and/or disabled.

Above code is very very simple. bootstrap.js in the general bootstrapped extensions (for example Jetpack) are complexity.

Step3. Packaging

All you have to do is compress the files.

$ zip -9r ../bootstraptest.xpi *
  adding: bootstrap.js (deflated 66%)
  adding: install.rdf (deflated 54%)

Open the XPI file to install. As soon as it is installed, a following dialog is displayed.

"alert message : 'Hello world.'"

See also